
Sunnyvale, CA

Jay Zetz


Jul 2, 2022


Please make sure to read all rules / rankings pages for this weekends event!! along with park rules posted below 


A Fantastic 10 Field all turf complex with Sports Bar and Grill and plenty of extras!

40's/50's: $455  3-4 Game Guarantee

Basic Senior Rules

Adult Divisions:  rec,e,d,c  $395 3 Game Guarantee

Basic Adult Rules

Teams must register and add roster on-line at our new website www.playncs.com

Dudley is official tournament ball. - no 47 Core or Stadiums allowed - Senior teams only can also bring ssusa Rock balls

Bring your own balls - following the guidelines above - If we have enough balls we will try and supply teams with a couple balls.

 NO Gate Fee / Umpire pay is included with teams entry fee - teams don't pay umpires, We Do!

GET  DEPOSIT in ASAP to lock in your spot, (Or Log Into your NCS account and Pay In Full)

Once paid email us team name, card holder you paid with and email used when paying along with team name and division so we can confirm payment!


Save on CC fees: Send check now, send note with check team name and division along with tournament name and Date:Send and make check payable to: All World Sports 

1079 Sunrise Ave Suite B-330 Roseville,CA  95661- Make sure we get early before we sell out!


*Alcoholic beverages and/or illegal substances are prohibited on Twin Creek Sunnyvale Complex’s property.  NO OUTSIDE FOOD & DRINKS ALLOWED!! - Support The Club House, Snackbar and Sports Bar!

*Employees and participants are prohibited from chewing gum while on the fields or in sports complex. 

*Employees and participants are prohibited from bringing any food onto the fields, including sunflower seeds.

*No grills or cookers allowed · No amplifiers or devices that produce loud noises shall be permitted.

*Glass containers are prohibited in all areas.

*Pets, skates of any kind, skateboards, and bicycles are prohibited in all areas.

*Only appropriate footwear (no track spikes or track shoes that may damage the fields) may be used on the fields.

*No firearms, air rifles, BB guns, spring guns, bow and arrows, slings, or any other form of weapon dangerous to human safety are allowed on the facility grounds at any time.

*It is prohibited for any person to engage in boisterous, threatening, abusive, insulting, indecent or profane language or to engage in any disorderly conduct or behavior leading to a breach of the public peace and enjoyment of the facility. Twin Creeks Sports Complex reserves the right to remove, or have removed, any person(s) due to abusive conduct or a non-­cooperative attitude.

*No person or group shall store, leave or otherwise allow remaining at the facility, any materials, supplies, equipment or other physical accessories without written permission of Twin Creeks Sports Complex. A reasonable charge may be assessed by Twin Creeks Sports Complex to remove any such items.

*Twin Creeks Sports Complex reserves the right to remove, or have removed, any person(s) due to a violation of any of these rules.

*No smoking shall be permitted within Twin Creeks Sports Complex or within City ordinance.

Overnight parking is prohibited, including overnight parking of any motor homes or other recreational vehicle.

* All participants must wear a mask inside the clubhouse and sports bar

     Here's a link to the park policies on our website as well  Park Policies

*No person shall engage in any sale of merchandise, services or operate any concessions without prior approval.