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  • United States

  • D

Player State Age Class
Diego Cortes Diego Cortes NM 22 and 11 months D
Robert Cortes Robert Cortes Las Vegas, NV 35 and 11 months D
David Cortes David Cortes Desert Hot Springs, CA 30 and 11 months D
Amaya Cortes Amaya Cortes Corning, CA 24 and 6 months D
Albert Cortes Albert Cortes Gilroy, CA 40 and 4 months D
Brian Cortese Brian Cortese NJ 39 and 0 months D
Brian Cortese Brian Cortese Sewell, NJ 39 and 1 month D
Tyson Cortez Tyson Cortez Phoenix, AZ 30 and 9 months D
Carlos-Daniel Cortez Carlos-Daniel Cortez Colorado Springs, AA 26 and 9 months D
George Cortez George Cortez CA 51 and 1 month D
Benny Cortez Benny Cortez Scottsdale, AZ 38 and 0 months D
Jamie Cortez Jamie Cortez TX 32 and 9 months D
Jordan Cortez Jordan Cortez Union City, CA 32 and 10 months D
Harley Cortier Harley Cortier SD 34 and 3 months D
Marlene Cosby Marlene Cosby Las Vegas, NV 60 and 8 months D
Eric Cosman Eric Cosman Hamilton, MT 37 and 7 months D
Karla Cosme Karla Cosme TX 26 and 7 months D
Olivia Cosper Olivia Cosper Claremore, OK 23 and 6 months D
Grayson Cosper Grayson Cosper Inola, OK 18 and 11 months D
Savanna Cosper Savanna Cosper Inola, OK 22 and 4 months D
Avery Cosper Avery Cosper Inola, OK 20 and 7 months D
Joe Cosper Joe Cosper Inola, AA 57 and 0 months D
Stephanie Cossey Stephanie Cossey Grants Pass, OR 32 and 6 months D
Melissa Costa Melissa Costa Albuquerque, NM 39 and 2 months D
Jamie Costa Jamie Costa STOCKTON, CA 32 and 0 months D

Displaying 2,026 - 2,050 of 10,692