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Player State Age Class
Ernie Aispuro Ernie Aispuro Phoenix, AZ 23 and 4 months E
Ernie Aispuro Ernie Aispuro Phoenix, AZ 23 and 4 months E
Michael Akers Michael Akers San Diego, CA 29 and 10 months E
Chalynn Akre Chalynn Akre UT 33 and 11 months E
Cedrik Ala Cedrik Ala Anchorage, AK 28 and 10 months E
Talaalemotu Alaelua Talaalemotu Alaelua Anchorage, AK 23 and 4 months E
Cynthia Alailefaleula Cynthia Alailefaleula Compton, CA 45 and 7 months E
Tuiaualuma Alailefaleula Tuiaualuma Alailefaleula Anchorage, AK 42 and 3 months E
Nanati Alailefaleula Nanati Alailefaleula Las Vegas, NV 25 and 7 months E
Edward Alamar Edward Alamar Manteca, CA 35 and 5 months E
Nicole Alameda Nicole Alameda San Jose, CA 37 and 8 months E
Nicole Alamenda Nicole Alamenda CA 37 and 8 months E
Jason Alan Jason Alan NV 50 and 4 months E
Fernando Alaniz Fernando Alaniz Manteca, CA 19 and 5 months E
Jose Alaniz Jose Alaniz Manteca, CA 23 and 6 months E
Odell Alaniz Odell Alaniz KINGSVILLE, TX 32 and 0 months E
Erick Alaniz Erick Alaniz Bakersfield, CA 34 and 9 months E
Aliitasi Alapati Aliitasi Alapati San Francisco, CA 48 and 5 months E
Cody Alarcon Cody Alarcon Orland, CA 28 and 3 months E
Albert Alarcon Albert Alarcon Reno, NV 43 and 0 months E
Samuel Alarcon Samuel Alarcon Hanford, CA 32 and 0 months E
Samuel Alarcon Samuel Alarcon Hanford, CA 32 and 0 months E
Roberto Alarcon Roberto Alarcon Vernon, CA 35 and 11 months E
Sammy Alarcon Sammy Alarcon Hanford, CA 32 and 0 months E
Constance Alarcon Constance Alarcon San Leandro, CA 34 and 6 months E

Displaying 201 - 225 of 19,744