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  • United States

  • REC

Player State Age Class
justin James justin James Salinas, CA 39 and 5 months REC
Jillian Jamieson Jillian Jamieson Ohsweken, MT 36 and 5 months REC
Maria Janos Maria Janos NV 48 and 2 months REC
Jeff Janowiak Jeff Janowiak El Dorado, CA 53 and 3 months REC
Scott Janowski Scott Janowski Phoenix, AZ 35 and 1 month REC
Kayla Janowski Kayla Janowski Phoenix, AZ 35 and 4 months REC
Jenna Jaquez Jenna Jaquez Phx, AZ 23 and 3 months REC
Chris Jaracz Chris Jaracz Roseville, CA 32 and 5 months REC
Lucio Jauregui Lucio Jauregui Stockton, CA 41 and 0 months REC
Samuel Jauregui Samuel Jauregui Hayward, CA 49 and 8 months REC
Bienvenido Javar Bienvenido Javar Susanville, CA 37 and 11 months REC
Alice JBeily Alice JBeily CA 60 and 7 months REC
Normajean Jean Normajean Jean Fernley, NV 38 and 5 months REC
Richard Jefferson Richard Jefferson CA 57 and 11 months REC
Kevin Jefferson Kevin Jefferson Hidden Valley Lake, CA 35 and 6 months REC
Dave Jefferson Dave Jefferson Palo Alto, CA 49 and 8 months REC
Rickey Jefferson Rickey Jefferson CA 57 and 11 months REC
Benjamin Jeffords Benjamin Jeffords Marysville, CA 38 and 10 months REC
Steven Jeglum Steven Jeglum Brentwood, AA 38 and 11 months REC
John Jelinski John Jelinski Oakland, CA 57 and 11 months REC
Walter Jenkins Walter Jenkins CA 52 and 2 months REC
Jessica Jenkins Jessica Jenkins Moxee, WA 34 and 6 months REC
Jeff Jenkins Jeff Jenkins Moxee, WA 43 and 6 months REC
Gary Jennings Gary Jennings Concord, AA 24 and 6 months REC
Darryl Jennings Darryl Jennings LINCOLN, CA 39 and 8 months REC

Displaying 2,101 - 2,125 of 4,897