Allentown, PA

Patriots Park

1027 St John Strreet
Allentown, PA 18103

Beautiful manicured softball field with flower gardens, mature shrubs, and tree-lined bleachers (both wood and metal).

?Field lights providing TV quality lighting to all areas of the park (used extensively by Channel 69, Service Electric and RCN among others).

Fully fenced enclosed park 250-foot main fence with easy availability of 210-foot optional fence.

Parking lots accommodate 300 cars.

Estimated 1,450 permanent seats; can expand to 2,200.

Electronic scoreboard and computer-controlled 22-foot by 22-inch message center.

Modern restrooms plus additional restrooms in community building.

Tree-shaded picnic area and grove with newly improved lighting.

Refreshment stand features a wide variety of items at reasonable prices.

1,100 square foot heated and air conditioned media center/press box with two separate and distinct media production rooms for simultaneous broadcasts.

Game operations area for scoreboard operator, announcer, message center operator, and one additional operator (music, sound effects, supplemental scorer, etc.).

Conference room (seats 12)

Computers interconnected with a server, Internet access through Enternet; telephone capability throughout park including players' benches.

Media capabilities for on-site reporting including computer access, fax machine, copy machine and small private office.?

White Settlement, TX | Daniel Baxter
Mar 8-9
Registered Teams: 47
8U | 10U | 12U
Plainfield Twsp, PA | Reece Oslinker
Jun 28-29
10U | 12U | 14U | 16U | 18U
Branson, MO | Bob Snavely

Showcase 5 game Guarantee

Jul 3-6
Registered Teams: 1
10U | 12U | 14U | 16U | 18U