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  • B

Player State Age Class
Senara Faleafine Senara Faleafine Union City, CA 27 and 1 month B
Russell Farish Russell Farish Aubrey, TX 36 and 7 months B
Steve Farrens Steve Farrens OMAHA, NE 40 and 5 months B
Payton Fedrick Payton Fedrick Santa Rosa, CA 30 and 3 months B
Shelby Fellers Shelby Fellers TX 32 and 9 months B
Raegan Ferguson Raegan Ferguson Red oak, TX 24 and 6 months B
Yolanda Fierros Yolanda Fierros AZ 34 and 4 months B
Kelli Finan Kelli Finan La Quinta, CA 28 and 3 months B
Jared Fisk Jared Fisk Benton, AR 33 and 11 months B
Eliyah Flores Eliyah Flores Colton, CA 26 and 1 month B
Monique Flores Monique Flores Salem, OR 33 and 6 months B
Taylor Fogle Taylor Fogle Lubbock, TX 28 and 0 months B
Christopher Fono Christopher Fono CA 29 and 0 months B
Tara Fore Tara Fore Oakley, CA 41 and 8 months B
Tamaru Francis Tamaru Francis West Covina, CA 49 and 8 months B
Kacie Freymond Kacie Freymond Lincoln, CA 31 and 10 months B
Christine Garcia Christine Garcia CA 35 and 5 months B
Maria Garcia Maria Garcia CA 31 and 6 months B
Samantha Garcia Samantha Garcia River Oaks, TX 25 and 2 months B
Audrey Garcia Audrey Garcia Mansfield, TX 34 and 3 months B
Jennifer Garcia Jennifer Garcia Peris, AA 29 and 4 months B
Raúl D García Raúl D García Converse, TX 39 and 11 months B
Charity Gardner Charity Gardner Burlington, IA 39 and 4 months B
Ashley Garetson Ashley Garetson Overland Park, KS 34 and 0 months B
Jessica Gibson Jessica Gibson CA 39 and 2 months B

Displaying 101 - 125 of 381