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Player State Age Class
Christina Baptisto Christina Baptisto Scottsdale, AZ 40 and 0 months E
Rafael Barajas Rafael Barajas Richmond, CA 32 and 5 months E
Arthur Barajas Arthur Barajas Brawley, CA 31 and 9 months E
Gonzalo Barajas Gonzalo Barajas Hayward, CA 24 and 6 months E
Gabriel Barajas Gabriel Barajas Salinas, CA 26 and 10 months E
Samantha Barandeh Samantha Barandeh Chico, CA 34 and 8 months E
AJ Barandeh AJ Barandeh Chico, CA 34 and 10 months E
Carlos Baray Carlos Baray Santa Maria, CA 41 and 4 months E
Chayce Barba Chayce Barba Fernley, NV 24 and 10 months E
Jazael Barba Jazael Barba Petaluma cal, CA 25 and 8 months E
Thomas Barbarito Thomas Barbarito Campbell, CA 29 and 6 months E
Amanda Barbato Amanda Barbato Fallon, NV 28 and 10 months E
Jake Barben Jake Barben UT 44 and 10 months E
Alan Barber Alan Barber Overland Park, KS 33 and 5 months E
Ryan Barber Ryan Barber Salt lake city, UT 30 and 8 months E
Nicholas Barber Nicholas Barber TX 27 and 10 months E
Jackson Barber Jackson Barber Farmington, UT 25 and 5 months E
Joseph Barbieri Joseph Barbieri Hollister, CA 38 and 2 months E
Ramon Barbosa Ramon Barbosa San Diego, CA 33 and 2 months E
Carlos Barboza Carlos Barboza Oxnard, CA 39 and 8 months E
Victor Barcelo Victor Barcelo Merced, CA 40 and 5 months E
Lindsey Barcia Lindsey Barcia NV 35 and 9 months E
Laura Barclay Laura Barclay ND 37 and 9 months E
Jason Barczak Jason Barczak CO 37 and 2 months E

Displaying 1,026 - 1,050 of 19,762