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  • United States

  • AAA

Player State Age Class
Shayne Barr Shayne Barr Round Rock, TX 52 and 4 months AAA
freddy barraez freddy barraez Frisco, TX 44 and 7 months AAA
Art Barrajas Art Barrajas CA 48 and 10 months AAA
Antonio Barraza Antonio Barraza Albuquerque, NM 47 and 6 months AAA
Juanpablo Barrera Juanpablo Barrera PLANO, TX 40 and 1 month AAA
Luis Barrera Luis Barrera Dallas, TX 52 and 11 months AAA
John B Barresi John B Barresi Mesa, AZ 78 and 8 months AAA
Elgin Barrett Elgin Barrett Fernley, NV 45 and 2 months AAA
Richard Barretto Richard Barretto Stockton, CA 62 and 10 months AAA
Kevin Barrey Kevin Barrey Haslet, TX 47 and 2 months AAA
Denise Barrientos Denise Barrientos Phoenix, AZ 51 and 6 months AAA
Denise Barrientos Denise Barrientos Phoenix, AZ 51 and 6 months AAA
Cory Barrios Cory Barrios Castro Valley, CA 47 and 9 months AAA
Geraldo Barron Geraldo Barron McKinney, TX 50 and 9 months AAA
Kevin Barry Kevin Barry TX 47 and 2 months AAA
KEVIN BARRY KEVIN BARRY San Francisco, CA 60 and 4 months AAA
Blaine Barth Blaine Barth Columbia, IL 42 and 0 months AAA
Melvin Bartlett Melvin Bartlett Sparks, NV 61 and 0 months AAA
John Bartlett John Bartlett Houston, TX 64 and 2 months AAA
Shane Bartlett Shane Bartlett Santee, CA 43 and 10 months AAA
Jeff Barton Jeff Barton Shreveport, AA 60 and 4 months AAA
Joe Basaldua Joe Basaldua Houston, TX 44 and 6 months AAA
Alex Basham Alex Basham Argyle, TX 46 and 1 month AAA
Alex Basham Alex Basham Argyle, TX 46 and 1 month AAA

Displaying 376 - 400 of 7,162