Getting Started with NCS 7/29/2019
Getting started is an easy four step process!
Welcome To National Championship Sports
Getting started is an easy four step process!
Step 1: Team Age & Starting Classification
NCS offers baseball for ages 5U - 18U in single age divisions. The age of your team is determined by the age of your oldest player. The age cut off date is May 1st (or grade exception). For the fall / winter season, players play up to the age they will be the following spring / summer.
Now that you know the correct age of your team, it's time to determine your "starting" classification. To determine your team’s "starting" point,click here and review the NCS classification guidelines. Keep in mind, pursuant to NCS Rules, the State Office will monitor each teams performance and can classify and reclassify any team at any time.
Comment: Review the classification guidelines outlined on
this web site. If in doubt, choose the
next higher classification.
Step 2: Create Login ID & Password
NCS team managers are required to create a Login ID &
Password for use within the web site system. Your Login ID & Password will be needed
to access your team’s NCS Team Manager, to register your team, complete and /
or edit your online roster, enter tournaments, etc. To begin creating a new Login ID &
Password, click here. Complete the
required fields including a valid email address and password and click the SUBMIT
button, you now have your Login ID & Password.
Step 3: Create & Register Team
All NCS teams are required to register annually with the Association. Team registration is valid from August 1st - July 31st. Teams can begin registering on July 1st for the following season.
To create and register your team, click here. Enter your Login ID & Password and click the SUBMIT button. You are now at the Team Manager Menu, select the second option at the top, “CREATE NEW TEAM”. You will be required to fill in your Complete Team Name, Team City, Team State and Class Requested and payment information for the annual sanction fee, click the SUBMIT button. You have now created your team. NCS does not charge an Individual Player Registration fee.
Comment: No team will be allowed to play in any NCS event
without registering with the Association and completing an Online Roster in
advance of taking the field of play!
Step 4: Complete Online Roster
All NCS teams are required to have their roster on-line in the web site system before they play. It’s a quick and simple process.
To begin entering your roster data, log in to your team
manager, click "PROFILE".
Enter your Login ID and Password and click the SUBMIT button. You are now at the Team Manager Menu. Make sure your current year team is
highlighted and click on the EDIT ROSTER. Follow the directions at the top of
the page to enter each player's personal data.
Only enter each player's LEGAL FIRST & LAST NAMES as they appear on
the Birth Certificates. DO NOT include
middle names, nick names, shortened names, slang names, initials, prefixes or
suffixes (i.e.; Jr., II, III, etc.)...ONLY the LEGAL first and last names and a
valid player email address (or parent's email address).
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