
McPherson, KS

Wayne Burns

"BOWNET" KANSAS State Championship 16U, 18U, 23U Collegiate, 4GG

Jul 1-3, 2022

We reserve the right to update or change information on this event at any time.  Please be sure to check back for updates prior to coming to this tournament.

NCS STAFF of KANSAS will be managing this tournament, as well as being the Tournament Director, UIC and will provide all umpires for this event. We will be using the best umpires available with NCAA DI, NCAA DII, JUCO & HS experience. We also use a 3 man umpire crew for all championship games, 12U and older.  Contact Wayne Burns at playkskidssports@gmail.com or Chase Stalnaker at cgstalnaker@gmail.com

ENTRY FEE: $350.00

State Tournament Gate Fees:  

THIS IS NOT A "STAY TO PLAY" TOURNAMENT. You can stay at the hotel or motel of your choice, without any added fees.

ENTRY FEE PAYMENT POLICY: Credit or debit cards only. You will be paying tournament entry fees thru the NCS tournament webpage. Teams will be dropped from the tournament if the entry fee is not paid for by the tournament entry deadline date.

TEAM TOURNAMENT DROP POLICY:  If a team drops before the registration deadline has passed, there will be a full refund. 

If a team drops out after the entry deadline date, because of Covid issues and/or not enough players to field a team, there will be no refund of entry fee monies.

To qualify for a Team Drop refund, go to your Team Homepage and enter a tournament drop request. No texts, emails or phone calls. NO EXCEPTIONS.

RAINOUT REFUND POLICY:  If no games are played, a refund minus a $20.00 administration fee will be issued. 1 game played 50% refund; 2 or more games played, no refund.

There will be no refunds to teams who forfeit games.

I know together we can accomplish more, so please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions at all about National Championship Sports, NCS of Kansas.  We are here for you!  “It’s all about the kids” All of us at NCS of Kansas are committed to bring youth and adult sports to our state in a safe and fun environment.

This is an NCS Fastpitch Softball sanctioned event. Proof of liability & accident insurance is REQUIRED PRIOR to playing in this event. We accept NCS, USA or USSSA insurance. Teams with non-NCS liability & accident insurance will be required to pay a one-time-for-the-season fee of $39 to become an NCS registered team for 2022. This is valid thru 7/31/2022. This can be completed on the NCS Fastpitch website. You will also be required to provide a PDF copy of your non-NCS Softball liability & accident insurance policy, no later than by the tournament entry deadline date. Contact Wayne Burns at playkskidssports@gmail.com or Chase Stalnaker at cgstalnaker@gmail.com more information, clarification and to email proof of insurance to.

National Office Contact

Tommy Voss, President NCS Fastpitch

15202 Thompson Ridge Drive

Cypress, TX  77429

 Email:  tommy.voss@playncs.com

Office Phone:  409-351-4904