Rowlett, TX
Tim Truman
February Freezeout
Feb 22-23, 2025
Event Info
Our Mission is simple.... Provide a quality event which allows our girls, coaches and parents the ability to grow their love for the game of softball!!!!!
This is a PineTar Galveston Brawl @ Seawall Qualifier
The winner of each Division will receive a FREE Paid entry into our 1st EVER Brawl @ Seawall Event in Galveston on 06/27-06/29.
Onsite Director:
Richard Franklin 682-401-6361
Forrest Warner 817-271-2139
Team Event Registration Fee
$150 + (PAP)
This is a PAP event. Game will not start till both umpires are paid.
8u $40 Pool 55 minutes drop dead finish the batter.
8u $40 Bracket 60 minutes finish the inning.
10u-16u $40 Pool 60 minutes, finish the batter.
10u-16u $50 Bracket 75 minutes, finish the inning.
Event Info
4 Game Guarantee
2 pool games & Double Elimination Bracket
Divisions may sell out prior to the payment deadline. Payment guarantees a spot only up till the Monday of the event. The number of available spots in a division may fluctuate depending on the needs of all divisions that share the same field size.
If we run an Open event, Brackets will be split according to Team classifications and not necessarily standings in pool play. Each event will have that info when Final schedules are released.
Entry Payment
Submit Entry Fee Payment in Full by No Later than Monday prior to the event date. All NCS Events are Pay First/Play First.
ONLINE: NCS Online Account
CashApp: $DugoutBaseball
VENMO: @Timothy-Truman
Please add the following to notes to your payment:
(Team Name, Division, Tournament Name, and Tournament Date)
Gate Fee
$250/team for both Saturday & Sunday. Includes all players/coaches and spectators.
We play exclusively by the rules listed on the website.
Protests are $100. Win your protest and you will get your money back.
6 runs per half, run rule is 10 after 3, 8 after 4 and 7 after 5
Bat 9, Use EH or DP/FLEX, Bat the lineup.
3-9 Teams will only be (1) Bracket.
10-16 Teams will have (2) Brackets.
17+ will have (3) Brackets.
Every Bracket will follow these rules when it comes to determining Home/Visitor.
Winners Brackets will be determined by Pool Seedings.
Losers Bracket will be determined by Coin Flip.
Championship game the Undefeated Team has the option for Home/Visitor.
All Brackets 1st/2nd Place will receive Champion/Finalist Banners.
1st/2nd Place will receive individual Rings for each Player that is present for the championship game.
1st/2nd Place will also receive (1) MVP ring as determined by Umpires/ Coaches or TD.
How do I submit a schedule request?
Please use the tab on the event info to submit a schedule request.
We will do our best to accommodate requests.
Can we bring outside food and coolers?
Yes, participants and fans are allowed to bring outside food and coolers, excluding alcohol.
Can we bring our pets?
PLEASE LEAVE YOUR PETS AT HOME! Only Registered Service Animals will be permitted.
When are our rosters locked and what do I do if a parents forgets/neglects to sign the waiver prior to the cutoff?
All rosters are locked on the Friday evening prior to the event at 11:59 pm.
Players that do not have signed waivers by the cutoff will not appear on the public view team’s page and
may cause a protest. Players on the roster that are not on the public view will still be eligible.
Behavior at the events
All Umpires and coaches make mistakes. Please be tolerable of this.
Speakers and radios are allowed. Please be respectful of the other teams that are participating.
Zero tolerance for vulgar language.
Where will we play?
Heritage Park- Sachse, TX
Be ready to play within a 45-mile radius as we have multiple other great complexes that we could use if the need arises.
Full credit/ Transfer will be offered until 7 days prior until the events start date.
Half credit/ Transfer from Monday at 6pm till schedules are posted.
Once schedules have been released, there will be no refunds for teams that withdraw.
If the event gets canceled, you may transfer to another - Pine Tar - event for no additional fees,
or if you wish to withdraw completely you will accrue a refund processing fee of $50.
Do I need team insurance?
Yes, if you did not buy your policy through National Championship Sports you must add NCS (entity below) as an additionally insured.
You can do this free of charge by contacting your insurance provider. You must upload your insurance to your team profile before the event or you will have to pay $40 at Check In!!
National Championship Sports
2011 East Lamar Blvd
Suite 120
Arlington, Texas 76006
All coaches that will be inside the dugout or on the field must be background checked through NCS.
Pine Tar DFW
Rosters MUST be online no exceptions, players may appear on coaches’ side and not public view, all players will have a timestamp from when they were added to the roster.
Failure to have players listed online could cause your team to be protested, at which point all players not listed will become ineligible.
1) Length of game - Coach Pitch
a) Is up to the tournament director, however; the recommendation is 55 minutes for pool games and 60 minutes for bracket games or seven (7) innings.
2) Runs Allowed Per Inning - Coach Pitch
a) Five (5) runs per half inning maximum. After five runs the teams will switch from offense to defense.
3) Run Rule - Coach Pitch
a) 12 runs after 4 innings
b) 10 runs after 5 innings
c) If time has expired and either team is behind and cannot catch up or go ahead, the game is over immediately.
4) Pitches - Coach Pitch
a) Each batter allowed 5 pitches or 3 missed swings.
b) However, if the 5 pitch is hit foul, the batter will be given additional pitches until the ball is put in play, swung and missed or let pass.
5) Balls - Coach Pitch
a) No balls will be called
6) Foul Balls - Coach Pitch
a) Foul balls are counted for swings, except on last pitch
7) Last Pitch Foul - Coach Pitch
a) Unlimited last pitch foul balls
8) NO BUNTING, SLAPPING, STEALING or SLASHING will be allowed in Coach Pitch
9) Walks - Coach Pitch
a) There will be no base on balls (walk) awarded, including intentional walks.
10) Infield Fly Rule - Coach Pitch
a) There will be “NO” Infield Fly Rule.
11) Ball Type - Coach Pitch
a) Balls must be 11” diameter with .47 C.O.R. and .375 compressions. Color and stitching are optional, as long as all balls are the same in color for any one game.
12) Batted Ball - Coach Pitch
a) Batted Ball hits pitching coach, is a dead ball and declared no pitch, unless intentionally interfered with by coach. Then the interference rules apply. All runners return to base.
13) Batters - Coach Pitch
a) Teams may bat the minimum of nine players / up to their entire roster, however; in the event of injury and no substitute player is available, the team will take an out for that place in the batting order. In other words, the batting order will not collapse. The batting line-up also cannot increase; it must stay the same throughout the entire sequence at bat for the game.
b) If a team chooses the lesser number of players than the entire roster, substitutions may be made freely, as this is a fundamental building game. However; if they substitute batters those substitutions must remain in the same spot of the batting order. (Ex. A player may not be substituted in the #3 spot, pulled from the game and then substituted in the #6 spot. They must remain in the #3 spot, if they are substituted for again.)
14) Pitching Distance - Coach Pitch
a) Pitching Distance is 35 foot
15) Base Distance - Coach Pitch
a) Bases will be set at 60 feet
16) Definition of a Live Ball - Coach Pitch
a) A “live ball” begins with a batted ball and continues with all defensive efforts until the umpire declares “time” or “dead ball”. Runners may only advance during a live ball.
17) Pitching Items - Coach Pitch
a) Coach pitches to their own team
b) The Coach-Pitcher must keep both feet inside the pitching circle and have one foot in contact with the pitching rubber at all times until the point of release.
c) The Coach-Pitcher will use a straight ahead pitching approach.
d) The Coach –Pitcher must stay within the boundaries of the 24” pitching rubber. To clarify, the Coach-Pitcher may not pitch from either side of the pitching rubber so as to gain the advantage of a directional hit.
i) PENALTY: If at any time prior to release of the ball, the Coach-Pitcher steps outside of the pitching circle or is outside the imaginary 24” pitching rubber boundaries or throws a pitch without a foot in contact with the pitching rubber, a strike will be called on the batter.
e) The Coach-Pitcher cannot “coach” the batters from the mound. Coach-Pitchers are allowed to speak to the batters prior to them entering the batter’s box. Once these players have entered the box, they no longer are allowed to speak to the hitters with such statements as “swing, run, go, no, slide, etc.”
(1) First Offense: Coach-Pitcher is warned, and a strike is added to the batter. If this is the third strike, the batter is out.
(2) Second Offense: The batter is immediately called out.
18) Base Running - Coach Pitch
a) While the ball is in play, all runners are free to advance at their own risk. Play is stopped on defense by stopping the lead runner. Once the lead runner has been stopped, the ball is no longer in play, the ball is thrown to the pitcher’s circle and no runner may advance.
i) EXAMPLE #1: Runner “A” is at 2 base when the batter (Runner “B”) hits the ball. Runner “A” then runs and reaches third base safely, while the ball is fielded and is thrown to the 3 baseman that now possesses the ball and is capable of tagging Runner “A” out if she was to attempt to advance. The umpire declares play stopped. The ball is then thrown to the pitching circle and Runner “B” is halted at 1 base.
ii) EXAMPLE #2: Using the same scenario as Example #1, Runner “A” is at 2 base when the batter (Runner “B”) hits the ball. Runner “A” however is tagged out prior to reaching 3 base. In this scenario, the ball is NOT dead, but rather Runner “B” would now become the lead runner and may continue to advance at her own risk until she is declared out or her progress is stopped by the defense, resulting in the umpire stopping the playand the ball being thrown to the pitching circle.
19) Leading Off - Coach Pitch
a) Players can leave the base when the coach releases the pitch. Runners must return to the bag they obtained their lead from when the ball is thrown back into the pitching circle. Again, there is NO stealing.
20) Defense - Coach Pitch
a) There may be up to ten (10) defensive players allowed on the field.
21) Thrown Ball - Coach Pitch
a) A thrown ball accidently hits pitching coach is a dead ball
22) Intentional Thrown Ball Interference- Coach Pitch
a) Intentional interference by coach, interference rules apply.
23) Thrower Intentionally Hits Pitching Coach- Coach Pitch
a) If the umpire determines the ball was intentionally thrown at a coach, play is stopped, the ball is dead.
24) Overthrow Rule: The overthrow rule is NOT in effect. All balls are live play until the pitcher has control of the ball in the outer circle, runners can continue to run until this time.
25) Defensive Coaches- Coach Pitch
a) Two coaches can stand in the outfield in foul ball area only, one on each side. (Left side and right side)
26) Protests- Coach Pitch
a) All umpire judgment calls are final……..”NO” protests allowed.
27) Position of Player/Pitcher- Coach Pitch
a) The position of the player pitcher (defensive) before the pitch shall be outside the pitching circle and behind the pitching rubber.
28) Umpire: The tournament director has the option to utilize one or two umpires in coach pitch.