Super Series Nationals

Las Vegas, NV

Jay Zetz


Dec 4-6, 2021

Brackets: Continue to check our website incase of any changes -
& always check master brackets at the fields as they are  the law for this event

* If You See Any Bracket Mistakes - Please email us the issue at so we can fix it!


Men’s E – (BLUE) Losers


Men’s E – (RED) Losers


Men's D (PINK) - Losers


Men's D (BLUE) Losers


Men's C - Losers


COED E - Losers


COED D - Losers


Women's D - WINNERS

Women's D - Losers

Women's C

READ - All Rules, Details, Ranking Info!!!

ROSTER: Because on-line roster may show approved -This just means you have at least 10 people added- This Does Not Mean Your Team Is Legal - You still have to follow our rankings system!

Saturday December 4th - Monday December 6th Championships will be around 330pm /435pm If Games on Monday - If we can we will finish earlier.

Plan on long days - can start as early as 7:00am and play late

Locations of Play

Men’s E: = BLD 

Men’s D:  = Cheyenne / Russel Rd - all final Men's D teams will finish Monday at RR

Men’s C: Shadowrock 

Coed Open: = Vets will finish Sunday eve 

Coed D = Hollywood 

Coed E: = AG  

Women’s  D: = DOC  

Womens C: = Vets / Will Finish Monday @ BLD 

40 & Over Men's: = Sunset & Warm Springs AAA /Major 1st thru 4th / MP

All Forces: = BLD 

50 & Overs: = BLD 


Men’s E: = 1st Thru 4th

Men’s D:  = 1st Thru 4th

Men’s C:  1st/2nd

Coed Open: =  1st / 2nd

Coed D =  1st thru 4th

Coed E: =  1st thru 4th

Women’s  D: = 1st thru 4th

Womens C: =  1st/2nd

40 & Over Men's: =  AAA /Major 1st thru 4th / MP 1st-2nd

All Forces: =  1st thru 3rd

50 & Overs: =1st / 2nd 

 Las Vegas Worlds Details Info/FAQs

 40 & Over Men’s. Adult E, D, C Divisions will be 3 day events Saturday-Monday with Championships around 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM - COED OPEN and 40 & Over Major Plus divisions will finish Sunday eve.

Divisions will conflict: Divisions will also be at different parks throughout the Vegas area it will be hard to play on 2 teams. Also you can only play on 1 team if same gender – example if playing Men’s D you can’t play Men’s E or  Men’s C etc.

Anyone playing in the Open or C division CAN’T PLAY on any E TEAM!

No more paper rosters -All teams Must be annually registered and add roster on-line at If not you will owe $50 in Cash before you can play and have to spot other teams runs

3 Game Guarantee: If a team NO SHOWS and you receive a forfeit this does give your team a win and counts toward your 3gg.

Divisions with 40 teams or more may be split into 2 brackets with winners of each playing 1 final game.

Game Lengths and Times

E, D, Military 60 minutes (Championships 70 Minutes)

Open and C Divisions 65 minutes / Seniors 60 Minute game play plus open inning (70 Mins + Open Minutes for Championships)

All listed game times are approximate start times – be prepared to start up to 15 minutes early. If other team and umpires are ready, there could be a loss of game if your team isn’t ready to go. (Game times can change due to unforeseen circumstances so always check master brackets at the fields)

Team eligibility:

You must bring a legal team according to our rules, rankings and team matrix and must have roster on-line at

Can we pick up players from any team or state:

Yes as long as you fit our rules and rankings matrix: It’s December so you can put throw-together team in / get ready for 2022

How many teams does LVW’s draw:

The event continues to grow you can expect 400 + total teams

Is there a managers meeting:

No managers meeting enjoy Vegas and read all rules and ranking info at our website.


Not Mandatory but do your best to look like a team.

Are there roster checks:


All players must have legal photo ID/Drivers License on them at all times that match names on roster.

What Kind of balls do you use / do teams have to buy balls:

Only DUDLEY balls are allowed except the Stadium ball or any 47 core Dudley balls. (Senior divisions can also bring the senior rock ball)

Ball supplies are limited across the USA:

We will have some for sale and also may supply a couple per team.

What Kind of Bats can we use:

Bats must have new USSSA, ASA-USA or NSA stamp / No fastpitch, baseball bats, cheater bats etc.

40-50 & Overs = Senior Bats OK!

Pitching info:

All Pitchers must wear protective Mask

4-10 ft strike zone pumping allowed and all pitchers must wear mask or helmet / 40-50 & Overs No pumping = 6-12 with a Mat

DHH Rule:

We do not use this rule

What park does our division play at:

Park Locations/ Where you play: = posted at las Vegas Worlds event details pages

More Info

Roster - You can edit roster anytime up until Start day as long as roster is legal per our ranking rules.

Pulling out of event after deadline: Full entry fee will be charged and if we don’t find replacement team – NO REFUNDS

Umpires: We use 1 Man system – but we will try to use 2 man for semi’s and finals – (Not Guaranteed, but likely)

1st Aid: (We Do Not Supply) – Please bring your own 1st Aid Kits, Ice packs and any other safety related items (We suggest to purchasing team insurance to be safe)

Field Preps: Usually we do initial full preps each day and then just quick preps/water when we can and if we can / have time

IF Game:  IN some divisions we may not have time to play an if game.  Championship Game may be winner takes all!

Teams Needing Player /Players Needing Teams:

Email We will do our best to help out.

ROSTER: Because on-line roster may show approved -This just means you have at least 10 people added- This Does Not Mean Your Team Is Legal – You still have to follow our rankings system!

Military, Black American, Native American and Senior rosters do not count against you in standard E,D Women’s, COED and Men’s Divisions

*Drivers License is what we go by for Men’s or Women’s eligibility – If DL states male or non bianary, player is only allowed to play as a man for our events, If DL states female, player is only allowed to play as a woman for our events etc.


If event staff makes mistake on brackets causing a team to get shorted a game under the 3gg; team will get refunded $150 or we will give you $200 future credit

Teams please don’t contact us through Facebook, Instagram, etc. Only by email or phone please

Traffic Info: We can’t postpone games because of any freeway closures or heavy traffic. Plan on heavy traffic all weekend and leave to parks early.

New courtesy runner rule: must have a substitute for runner if he is up to bat and stuck on 3rd base

Don’t leave valuables in your car -Vegas has some rough area’s

Get directions now for the park/parks you are playing at and get your team the 411

*If you get kicked out of our tournament for having an illegal team or player; team does not get a refund!

Pre & Post Tournament Contact:

 Jay Zetz =

TD Contacts Saturday-Monday

BLD - Mike Smoot 916-257-0388

Cheyenne – Fritz Hummel 916-478-5295

Shadowrock – Chris Smith 916-878-8276

Doc Romero – Donald Yabarache 209-914-3229

Hollywood – David Graham 916-923-8130

Veterans – Paul Saar 916-995-7673

Warm Springs – Joey Markakis 702-860-7060

Arroyo – Levi Lynch 253-678-6423

Sunset 11-14 - Steve Graham 916-316-8787

Sunset 5-6 – Derick Williams 702-296-6126

Russell Road – Rudy Gomez 916-996-1024

*Also check website /  regularly for info and updates

Teams must register annually / ENTER here at this link (CLICK HERE TO REGISTER) Once you are registered, you as the manager can create your team/teams and enter the tournament.

During Tournament:

Talk to on-site director with any questions or issues


November 1st is deadline to be paid in full or when we sell out - Whatever comes first - Don't Wait!!

Do not book flights or rooms before paying entry fee!

we sell out fast!!

Wait list info/priority -2022