
Bakersfield, CA

Peter Escarcega

2025 Friendlies June 28th

Jun 28

1 Day Friendlies

Saturday, June 28th

Located Bakersfield, CA 

Event Location:

Under review - TBD (All games to be played in Bakersfield, CA) 

Location subjected to change or be added due to number of teams entered. (TBD)


Accepting all division 10U/12U/14U/16U/18U. Limited spots!

$75 per game. $225 total.

3 games guaranteed.

Playing format will be 1:15 drop dead. (15min break inbetween games) 

Teams must be registered with NCS and submit roster and team insurance.

Teams must provide their own balls. (2 new balls for the day)

Payment must be sent, in order to solidify their spot.

ig Page: CV_fastpitch_NCS

Questions or inquiries: Call Pete - 661.808.5429

Payment Options: 

Additional fee's will apply for payments via PayPal
Venmo @CVFastpitch_NCS