Single Points Event

San Diego, CA

Derric Waller

SDBA / XDS May Day Blitz (1 Day)

May 1, 2022

SDBA / XDS May Day Blitz (1 Day)

Divisions / Pricing:
8U - 14U

Pay entry fee through NCS website or send
Venmo @SDBaseball

Include age division, team name & date.
You must still register for event through
website even if you pay with Venmo.

Mail payment to with check made to :

310 S. Twin Oaks Valley Rd #107-309
San Marcos, CA 92078

3 game guarantee w/ blitz game format

What is the Blitz Game Format?

No new inning after 1 hr 10 min
5 inning max (per game)
5 runs max (per inning, first 3 innings)

No Coin Flip
- Each team is home and away 1 game during pool play
- Team listed first in the schedule is Visitors
- Higher Seed is Home team during Seeded Game

Run / mercy rules:
- 10 runs after 3 innings
- Up 12 anytime during the 4th or 5th inning (visitors or home)

NCS Rankings Points!!!

Age Cutoff: May 1st, 2022
New baseballs supplied each game

Players Award:
1st Place Champion Rings (4 to 6 team brackets)
2nd Place Finalists Rings (7 or more teams)