Single Points Event
Bakersfield, CA
Corey Davisson
Winter Classic
Dec 3-4, 2022
Event Info
As teams sign up we can adjust the amount of teams. I will begin to cancel divisions by the 2nd week of November to allow for more teams to play in other divisions. Amount of teams allowed is based on # of games we can get on 1 field.
Games Guaranteed
8U-16U: 3 gg
Payment options:
Online through NCS website
Venmo: @CDB-Events
(Please add the following to notes: Entry Fee, Team name, Division, Tournament date)
9U $500 10U $500
11U $550 12U $550
NCS Rankings Points
2nd Place Finalist Rings
Full snack bar available!
This is a fundraiser for the high school athletic programs.
In the event of rain/weather or any act of God canceling the entire tournament, teams will be issued a credit towards a future NCS Bakersfield tournament.
In the event of rain canceling a tournament already in progress, a team may receive partial credit based on the amount games played