Triple Points Event

Cullman, AL

Michael Beck

2023 NCS Alabama State Championships

May 19-21, 2023


9-12 under

18 outs in a day

13-14 under

21 outs in a day

15 under and up

No pitching rules.

Team Entry fees and Team Gate fees for 13u-14u-15u:

13u-14u-15u will have a team gate fee of $225 added to the entry price of $350, there is no discount code for the Alabama State Championships.  THERE WILL BE NO INDIVIDUAL GATE FEE FOR THESE AGES.  I am doing this to make these ages a 1 day event.  Some of you have paid online already so you will need to send gate fee of $225 to my venmo.  

All teams should pay online $575 or by Venmo.