Single Points Event
Bakersfield, CA
Corey Davisson
Bakersfield Schools Out for Summer
Jun 10-11, 2023
Event Info
Games Guaranteed
8U-14U: 3 gg
Saturday: Pool Games
Sunday : Bracket Games
West High School, Mesa Marin Sports Complex, Garces Memorial High School, Golden Valley High School
West High School, Mesa Marin Sports Complex, Garces Memorial High School, Golden Valley High School
(more venues could be added)
Payment options:
Online through NCS website
Venmo: @influencersyouthsports
(Please add the following to notes: Entry Fee, Team name, Division, Tournament date)
Divisions (2023 Ages) / Pricing:
8U $450
8U $450
9U-10U $550
11U-12U $575
13U-14U $595
16U-18U $650
3 game guarantee13u can use -5 bat or BBCOR ONLY(if playing in 14u BBCOR ONLY)
14u can use BBCOR ONLY
NCS Rankings Points
Player Award:
1st Place Champion Rings
2nd Place Finalist Rings
2nd Place Finalist Rings
*Colors may vary depending on availability
**If Silver/Bronze division, awards may vary
Awards Vary
Can we bring outside food and coolers?
No ice chests please.
Full snack bar available!
This is a fundraiser for the high school athletic programs.
Full snack bar available!
This is a fundraiser for the high school athletic programs.