Single Points Event

San Diego, CA

Derric Waller


Mar 19, 2023


For larger brackets, teams will be divided into an Upper (D2, Solid D3) and Lower (D3) divisions to maximize competitive play and player development.

Divisions / Pricing:
09U $375   10U $375
11U $395   12U $395

Pay entry fee through Venmo @SDBaseball --- Include age division, team name & date.
You must still register for event through website even if you pay with Venmo.

Mail payment to with check made to :


310 S. Twin Oaks Valley Rd #107-309

San Marcos, CA 92078

Below are the blitz game format rules from the NCS tournament EVENT INFO.

It is important that umpires, coaches, and team administrators are all aware the rules and work together to ensure a smooth, on time experience for our players and families.

Have fun!


- 3 game guarantee w/ blitz game format

What is the Blitz Game Format?

- No new inning after 1 hr 10 min

- 5 inning max (per game)

- 5 runs max (per inning, first 2 innings)

No Coin Flip

- Each team is home and away 1 game during pool play

- Team listed first in the schedule is Visitors

- Higher Seed is Home team during Seeded Game (or in the case of a 4 Team Format, the team higher in the Standings in each 3rd game, is Home team)

4 Team Format

In the case of a 4 team pod, each team will play every other team once, and the champion will be team with the best standings based on NCS tie-breakers.

Run / mercy rules:

- 10 runs after 3 innings

- Up 12 anytime during the 4th or 5th inning (visitors or home)

NCS Rankings Points!!!

Age Cutoff: May 1st, 2023
New baseballs supplied each game

Player Award:
1st Place Champion Rings
2nd Place Finalist Rings (6 or more teams in a division)