Single Points Event

San Diego, CA

Luis Tovar

San Diego Winter Chiller - Poway and Santee Sportsplex

Jan 20-21, 2024



POWAY SPORTS PLEX: All Saturday games have been cancelled. Head Coach / admin will be notified regarding Sunday.



MISSION BAY PONY: All Saturday games have been cancelled. Head Coach / admin will be notified regarding Sunday.



SANTEE SPORTS PLEX: All Saturday games have been cancelled. Head Coach / admin will be notified regarding Sunday.



MT San Miguel HS : All Saturday games have been cancelled. Head Coach / admin will be notified regarding Sunday



We will send an update email at 8:00pm to team administrator / head coach regarding Sunday games.

Once rain concludes we will evaluate fields and get with field supervisors to make decision regarding Sunday.



UPDATE: 8:00pm

All games for Sunday have been canceled. Managers please look over your email for more information.



7uCP: 1hr, 20min No new inning

9u-12u: 1hr, 45min No new inning

13u-14u: 1hr, 50min No new inning 

Rule 9.00 Coach Pitch 7u - 8u

Rule 9.01
Pitching & Base Distances. 7U/8U uses 40' pitching and 60' bases.

Rule 9.02
Game Times & Innings. Games will consist of 6 innings or 1 hour and 15 minutes (whichever comes first). 

Rule 9.03
Roster Size, Coaches, and Game Play Parameters. Teams will consist of no more than 20 players. There will be a Head Coach and a maximum of 3 assistant coaches (the Max Allowed is 4 Coaches). All teams must bat the roster, with free substitution. The batting order never changes. A team can begin a game with 8 or more players. If you are playing with 8 or 9 players, when the 9th and 10th batting spots come up and there is not a player in that spot, an automatic out will be charged. Any player that arrives after the game begins will be added to the bottom of the batting order. If at any time the lineup falls below 8, either by ejection, injury or illness, the game results in a forfeit. If a player is ejected, then each subsequent scheduled plate appearance by the ejected player results in an out. If a player is lost due to injury or illness, during the game, then the lineup is compressed without an out being recorded (no penalty). When Batting the Roster there is free defensive substitution.

Rule 9.04
The Pitching Coach. The pitching coach must either straddle the rubber or stand on the rubber. The pitching coach shall not verbally or physically coach at any time while in the pitching position. If the pitching coach violates this rule the Head Coach will be warned. In the second violation, the pitching coach will be removed. If no coach is left to pitch, that team will forfeit the game. The pitching coach shall position himself as not to be an obstruction to the defensive team on any possible play once the ball has been hit. If the pitching coach intentionally obstructs a play, obstruction will be called, and the pitching coach shall be ejected. If no coach is left to pitch, that team will forfeit the game. If the pitching coach gets hit with a batted ball, the ball becomes dead and a no-pitch is declared.

Rule 9.05
If any coach is hit with a thrown ball unintentionally, the ball is dead, and runners cannot advance. If in the umpire's judgment, the coach did not make a legitimate attempt to avoid a thrown ball, the batter is declared out and no runners shall advance (baserunners would be returned to their last legally occupied base).

Rule 9.06
Defensive Player Positions. When a team is on defense, they will play with 10 players on the field. Four outfielders (they must be in the outfield grass). There will be four infielders (they must stay behind a 30-foot arc until the ball is hit). There will be a catcher who must be in a catching position in the catcher's box. If in the umpire's judgment the catcher does not stay in a catching position, he and the Head Coach will be warned. The second time this happens the Head Coach will be ejected from the game. If a new catcher comes into the game, they will be given a warning first, ejection on the second occurrence. There will be a player pitcher (they must stay in the pitching circle until the ball is hit - the pitching circle is defined as being with 3 feet of the rubber to either side). If there is a violation of this rule, play continues and after the end of the play, the batting team has the option of keeping the play or taking a no pitch.

Rule 9.07
Infield Fly. There is no infield fly rule.

Rule 9.08
Bunting. Bunting is not allowed.

Rule 9.09
The batter shall receive a maximum of six (6) pitches or three (3) swinging strikes. However, the at-bat may not end on a foul ball. For example, if the 6th pitch is fouled, then a 7th pitch is awarded, otherwise known as a continuation of the at-bat. An at-bat will not end on a foul ball.

Rule 9.10
Intentional Walks. A player may only be Intentionally Walked once per game by an announcement from the defensive team.

Rule 9.11
Lead-offs and Stealing Base. Runners cannot lead-off or steal bases. A runner is out if they leave the base before the ball is hit or reaches home plate and the ball is contacted. If the ball is not contacted the umpire will warn the baserunner. If the ball is put in play the runner will be declared out. If two or more runners leave the base early the lead runner will be declared out. 

Rule 9.12
Courtesy Runners. A courtesy runner for the catcher of record in the previous inning may be used. The courtesy runner shall be the player that made the previous out. If no outs have been recorded in the game, the courtesy runner shall be the previous batter not on base, or the last scheduled batter.

Rule 9.13 
Max Runs Per Inning and Run Rule.

  • Max Runs Per Inning = 7.
  • The game is over when the opposing team is mathematically eliminated from scoring enough runs to win or tie the game after time expires. Run Rules still apply.

Rule 9.14
Umpires shall call time after every play and declare the ball dead. Time shall be called as soon as the lead runner is not attempting to advance.

Rule 9.15
Defensive coaches shall not be allowed on the field of play along the foul lines (i.e., no outfield coaches) and shall coach from the dugout, or area immediately in front of the dugout as long as NOT to interfere with the offensive teams’ base coaches or live play. Umpire can restrict to 2 field coaches and 2 dugout coaches as needed.

Rule 9.16
Offensive coaches will be allowed at 1st and 3rd base only. All other coaches remain in the dugout, or in the area immediately in front of the dugout as long as NOT to interfere with defensive teams’ ability to make plays. Umpire can restrict to 2 field coaches and 2 dugout coaches as needed.


Mission Bay Pony, Poway Sportplex, Santee Sportplex, Mt. Miguel HS 


1. Submit Entry Fee in Full

2. Please Complete Player Roster online. Please add all your players to the online roster

3. Please Buy or Submit a copy of your Team Insurance Policy. If you did not buy your policy through National Championship Sports you must add NCS (entity below) as an additionally insured. You can do this free of charge by contacting your insurance provider. All insurance needs to be uploaded online. We are NOT accepting insurance at the event. 

National Championship Sports
2011 East Lamar Blvd
Suite 120
Arlington Texas 76006


Gold Division Champions: 12 NCS Championship Rings| NCS Banner
Gold Division Finalist: 12 NCS Finalist Rings | NCS Banner 

Silver Division Champions: 12 NCS Championship Rings | NCS Banner
Silver Division Finalist: 12 NCS Finalist Rings | NCS Banner


3 Game Guarantee 
Saturday: Pool Games 
Sunday:  Bracket Games 
Gold & Silver Brackets


NFHS rules will be followed with the following modifications
Southwest Regional Rules 


Online Rosters and Insurance must be uploaded online prior to event. 
All coaches are responsible to fill out an online  roster.
Players that are not on an online or paper roster are not eligible to play!
Please don’t forget to fill out a Player Roster.

In the event of rain/weather or any act of God canceling the entire tournament, 
teams will be issued a credit towards a future NCS National Premier Tournament. 

In the event of rain canceling a tournament already in progress,
a team may receive partial credit based on the amount games played

In the event of paid team canceling due to COVID-19 prior to tournament,
team will receive credit towards future NCS National Premier Tournament.