Single Points Event
San Diego, CA
Derric Waller
Big Recruits San Diego Superbowl Blitz (OPEN)
Superbowl Saturday Blitz
Feb 8, 2025
Poway and Santee are on as scheduled
We are good to go. Good luck today.
Event Info
Big Recruits San Diego Superbowl Blitz (OPEN)
Poway and Santee Sportsplex, Ingold Sports Park
Divisions / Pricing:
9U $450 10U $450
11U $475 12U $475
13U $500 14U $500
Pay entry fee online or through Venmo @SDBaseball
Include age division, team name & date.
You must still register for event through
website even if you pay with Venmo.
Modified to 2 games this week with some playing 3
All teams playing 2 games will receive a refund.
1 umpire possible during pool at select ages
In Divisions where there is no championship the top seed will receive rings and a $50 credit to a future NCS San Diego Event - Championship seeding a possibility in some divisions
Potential for some teams to play 2 games - A refund in these cases will be granted
NCS Rankings Points
Blitz format - 1hr 10 min or 1 hr 20 min no new - 4 inning max
XDS Baseball World Series Qualifier
Age Cutoff: May 1st, 2025
New baseballs supplied each game
Player Award:
1st Place Champion Rings
Venmo @SDBaseball
Include age division, team name & date.
You must still register for event through
website even if you pay with Venmo.