Single Points Event
La Puente, CA
Sergio Palos
Jan 25-26
Scheduled, Limits & Insurance fees
Time Limits
8u - 1:20 no new/1:30 drop dead
9u - 12u 1:30 no new/1:35 drop dead
Insurance fees
Please upload your Insurance before Friday night. If you don't coaches must pay $25 before the first game
Schedule will be released on today in the evening at 6pm. Due to the fires please check back on Friday afternoon after 1pm in case there is changes.
Rain Policy
Event Cancellation Policy:
In the event of an event being cancelled due to weather or any other unpreventable/unforeseen occurrence, teams will be issued a credit towards a future event. Schedules may be changed, games & events may be shortened in order to complete the event if possible. In the event of rain cancelling an event already in progress or if an event/division is completely canceled a team will receive credit based on the number of games played. To determine the credit owed to a team see criteria below:
1. No games started, a FULL CREDIT for a future event.
2. One game started, 1/2 CREDIT of entry fee.
3. Two games started, NO CREDIT will be issued.
Every effort will be made to complete an event already in progress if possible. All credits must be used with same director of the cancelled event and are not transferable to another area, region or director.
Any questions please contact Chris or Sergio.