
Sacramento, CA

Jay Zetz

Money Ball

Feb 19-20, 2022

Feb 19-20 Money Ball Tournament at the Sacramento Softball Complex -Schedules are posted

Coaches please remind all players and fans attending about the $5 adult gate fee- Kids are free The Snackbar will be open so no outside food and drinks allowed

We will have free waters at the tournament booth

Also all paid entrants will receive free raffle ticket for a shot at some cool swag!

Gate money collected go for our World Series - so the more Money Ball events you play it will help you save money and get better start times for our World Series!

Have a great tournament and thank you for playing NCS

Seniors is Saturday only and COED is Sunday Only

Thank you

David Graham

National Championship Sports

All World Sports

(916) 923-8130


Gate Fee -$5 for all adults / kids are free

3-4 GG 


On-Line brackets, results and points will be used. The more you play, win or lose the more points you will earn for rankings and future game time request privileges.

The higher you finish the more points you earn. The more you play with us the more points you earn!

Our Money Ball events that feature a gate fee - will also allow teams who plan to come to our World Series in Las Vegas a chance to earn credits each time you play to reduce or pay your World Series entry fee's 

More details coming soon. Enter Now at www.playncs.com 

 1 day tournaments!