
Peoria, AZ

JP Morgan


Jan 27-28, 2024

NCS Arizona NIT Championship Series Rules:

3 Chances to earn a paid birth to Winter Worlds Las Vegas December 2024

Leading up to the NCS Points Championship, teams will earn the following:

                                                              i.      100 Points for Pool Play

                                                             ii.      200 Points for Bracket

                                                           iii.      300 Points for Championship 

***NIT Championships = Double Points***

Team with highest points earned by the NCS Points Championship, will receive a full or partial paid berth to Winter Worlds in Las Vegas. 

1.       Spring Championship: NIT Qualifiers (Must play 3 of  3): 

a.       January 27-28 Points Kick-Off – Peoria, AZ

b.       February 10-11 Valentine’s Bash 4 Bats – Peoria, AZ

c.       March 16-17 Spring Fling – Maricopa, AZ         

d.      April 13-14 NIT CHAMPIONSHIP – Prescott Valley, AZ

2.       Mountain Championship: NIT qualifiers (Must play 4 of 5):

a.       May 18-19 Louisville State Championship, Rings Tournament – Prescott, AZ

b.       June 8-9 AZ Gloveman Western – Prescott Valley, AZ

c.       June 29-30 Pinetop Classic – Pinetop, AZ

d.       July 13-14 Mountain Mayhem – Prescott, AZ

e.       July 27-28 Pinetop Bash 4 Bats – Pinetop, AZ

f.        August 17-18 NIT CHAMPIONSHIP – Peoria, AZ

*** NCS NIT & Points Championship Requirements***

·         Must play in 3 0f 3 Spring Qualifiers to be eligible for the paid berth in the Spring NIT Championship.  

·         Must play 4 out of 5 of the Mountain Qualifiers to be eligible for the paid berth in the Mountain NIT Championship

·         Non-Arizona teams must play in a minimum of 6 NCS tournaments (in any state) between January 1 – September 12024 to qualify for the NCS Points Championship.  Points will be earned based on performance in these tournaments.

·         Winning the Points Championship does not guarantee a paid birth, a paid berth will be awarded to the team with the highest point earned from throughout the year and must play in the NCS Points Championship

NCS Points Championship will have two separate prize packages - 1 package for the tournament winners - 1 package for the points winners 

·         NCS Points Award Packages - Arizona teams must play in the Spring NIT Championship, Mountain NIT Championship and the NCS Points Championship.  

·         Full berths are based on 10 team divisions – Partial berths will be calculated at $75 per team in the championship division

3. NCS Points Championship – Peoria, AZ  - September 7-8