

Lynn Stuart


Apr 13-14, 2024


Barney Schwartz Park, Paso Robles

A. A team must have a minimum of 8 players to start and continue a game. The 9th and 10th spot will

collect an out. You can always have more females than males, females must bat in the 3rd, 6th,

and 9th spot in the batting order.

B. Fielder Regulations – Pitcher and catcher need to be of the opposite sex, at least 1 female in infield,

and 1 female in outfield.

C. To prevent outfielders from playing too close on the weaker hitters, there will be a restraining line

that will run in a 200ft radius from the back of home plate. Outfielders may not step inside this line until

the batter makes contact with the ball. Violations of the rule will result in the umpire declaring the ball

dead and the batter will be awarded first base. Base runners will advance if forced by the other runners.

D. Any violations of rules A-D will be corrected by umpires and league officials. No protest may be filed

for failure to adhere to these rules. Continued violation of these rules will bring disciplinary action to the

team manager. All rules will be governed by NSA with the exception of the rules covered here.

E. The “EH”, or extra hitter players for coed league, allows for 12 batters. However, the team must

maintain the number they start with or an automatic out will be called when a player comes to bat who

cannot bat.

F. Courtesy runners will be the last out made (male for male and/or female for female.) Only 1 courtesy

runner is allowed per inning per gender.

G. Bunting or chopping down on the ball is not allowed, and will result in a dead ball with the batter

being called out.

H. Ten minute grace period for 1st games of each night. All other game times are forfeit times. All game

clocks will start on scheduled times. It is the team’s responsibility to start on time. A new inning will not

start after an hour. Make-up games might fall on nights other than normal game nights.

I. Players on the Field: There must be 4 females in the field, with 2 in the outfield and 2 in the infield

(any position). If you hit more than 10 players you may substitute freely in the field as long as this rule is


J. Coed teams will use the 12” .52 core balls with a 300 compression. The bases will be 70ft apart and

the pitching rubber will be 50ft from home plate.

K. Hitting – *Run Rules – 20 runs after 3 innings, 15 runs after 4 innings, and 10 runs after 5 innings. *

Home Runs- ONE-UP Rule will apply. Teams cannot be up more than one homerun. If a team is up one

homerun and hits a homerun it is an out. 

*Walks -Base on Balls to a Male (with female to follow): When a male reaches first base on a base on

balls and a female spot follows in the batting order, the man automatically advances to 2nd base,

regardless of pitch count. When a male follows a male on a walk, the batter will be awarded one base.

Females only get first base when they walk.

L. Every line-up is to be turned into the scorekeeper with the first and last name, and jersey number.

M. Bats – ASA bats ONLY. ABSOLUTELY no shaved or altered bats allowed.

N. Absolutely no fake tags to be applied by anyone.

O. Batting Order: Will consist of at least 4 females. Players may re-enter the game at any time in the

same batting position if you are batting everyone. Teams pick their own line-ups and bat as many as

they like as long as they do not bat more than 2 guys in a row. Lineup will need to be given to the

umpire before the start of the game. 2 males-1 female-2 males-1 female-etc

P. Pick up Player Rule: If you need a female, pick up females. If you need a male, pick up a male. You

can only pick up players to make 10 man roster. All pickups have to play outfield and last in batting

order. If you pick up a female, she will hit in the 9th spot or later in the order.

Q. Metal cleats are NOT ALLOWED!

R. All plays at home are a force out. Runners must go to the line while the catcher must touch the

permanent home plate. The catcher cannot tag a runner. If the runner touches the plate it is an

automatic out. If the catcher tags the runner, the runner is safe. A commitment line is drawn half way

between 3rd base and home plate and once crossed they must proceed home

S. No more than 6 players may play in the infield.

T. Each team will field a maximum of 10 players, four of which must be women. If only three women are

present, then only 9 players may take the field.

U. Leading/Stealing/Sliding - There is no leading until the pitch reaches the plate. Absolutely no stealing!

Sliding is allowed: Absolutely no take out slides (determining factor is intent, and if runner cannot reach

base during slide) or intentional interference with a defensive player. Slide or Avoid rule.

V. Injuries: If a player is injured on the field and you have no subs on the bench, you can play with 9, but

the injured player’s spot in the order is an out.

W. Courtesy Runner: If a player has a previous injury or gets injured in the game and requires a runner,

the last batted out will be the courtesy runner. If it is a female the runner must be the last female that

made an out. If male the runner must be the last male that made an out.

X. Every batter enters the batter’s box with a 1 and 1 count with an extra foul.

Y. Fouling out: Batters with two strikes on them will be given one courtesy foul ball. If this is followed

with a second foul ball, the batter is out.

Z. Any team member, who willfully strikes, shoves, bumps, grabs, or runs into an umpire or other player,

will be suspended from the CALFIRE L2881 tournament indefinitely.

EFFECT: The penalty for violating this rule by a defensive player shall result in the female batter being

awarded first base. All other runners remaining on the base where they are, unless forced to the next

base by the batter being awarded first base. This call can be made by any field umpire and shall be a

judgment call. No appeals or protests will be allowed pertaining to this call. The umpire making the call

shall immediately yell “Dead Ball” at the time the defensive player commits the violation and award the

female batter in question first base.
