Bakersfield, CA
Michael Briggs
Nov 16-17, 2024
Event Info
Prizes- RING event… Rings with a MVP ring…
3-4GG Senior Men's Saturday with Adult COED on Sunday…
Coaches please add a roster online with us ASAP and make sure all players have proper name spelling, DOB and a valid email when entering them. They will get an email from us to accept being on your roster etc
For this short porch event Seniors 5 HR's… but we’ll allow 3 unlimited bracelets per a team at $20 each… Bombs away!!!
COED 3 HRs per Game… Plus 3 unlimited HR bracelets per a team @ $20 each… It will be modified to 6/4 format and mat not strike zone…
Lock in your spot with $100 deposit or other teams will take that spot…
*** PAYMENT***