Super Series Nationals
Las Vegas, NV
Jay Zetz
LAS VEGAS WORLDS Spring-into-Summer
May 24-25
Event Info
NEED HOST HOTEL - Group Book | Event | Las Vegas World's Spring (
SPRING/SUMMER - Vegas Worlds!
Adults = 3-4GG
Seniors - 5GG
Awards = Rings,Bling & More
All teams wiil play in Henderson at RR or AG - Fantastic Fields in a great area of town
Big Prizes
We will split ages and divisions if we get enough for each, if not we will combine and do a run spot.
Senior Divisions $625 Entry 4-5GG
Adult Divisions E,D $475 Entry 3-4GG
Las Vegas Worlds Details/Info/FAQs
Log into your account.
Go to profile.
Click manage team.
Click desired event and payment link.
Roster Help:
Make sure to read rankings page and reach out if you need help understanding any of our policy
Complete Online Roster
All teams are required to have their roster on-line at the web site system before they play. It’s a quick and simple process.
To begin entering your roster data, log in to your team manager, click "PROFILE". Enter your Login ID and Password and click the SUBMIT button.
You are now at the Team Manager Menu. Make sure your current year team is highlighted and click on the EDIT ROSTER.
Follow the directions at the top of the page to enter each player's personal data.
Only enter each player's LEGAL FIRST & LAST NAMES as they appear on Drivers license.
DO NOT include middle names, nick names, shortened names, slang names, initials, prefixes or suffixes (i.e.; Jr., II, III, etc.)...ONLY the LEGAL first and last names and a valid player email address.
All players on roster must check their email and accept the NCS invitation to be on the team. (They don’t have to wait to get it as an email. They can claim it in their profile)
If the email is blocked by firewalls or other security settings players can go to and create a profile.
The invite will be in their profile as long as they use the same email you used to send it to them.
*** If you get kicked out of our tournament for having an illegal team or player, your team will not get a refund!