Super Series Nationals

Las Vegas, NV

Jay Zetz


Dec 4-8

Welcome to our NCS SENIOR Las Vegas World Series

We are excited for another great year and can't wait for you and your team to join us in Las Vegas, NV. Year after year, teams from all over the US and Canada come to Vegas to compete for the ultimate prize...  the NCS World Series Championship. We one of a kind Las Vegas World Series merchandise and tons of great prizes to give to our Champions and high-placing finishers. So grab your team and enter the absolute ultimate softball experience!

Our 25th Annual is this year and it's going to be special - Stay Tuned for details 

5-Game Guarantee = 2 pool play followed by 3GG bracket play.

COED Seniors Thursday/Friday

Womens 40 & Over Thursday/Friday

Mens 55-75 & OVERS Thursday/Friday

MEN'S 40 & OVERS Saturday-Monday

MEN'S 50 & OVERS Saturday-Monday